Anime: Informal Commentary/Review, Demon Slayer: Season One Episode Two.

Hello again! Starting blind now. Can’t wait to get started!

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I seriously want to know whats up with that scroll he shoved in her mouth, like is it whats keeping her from going crazy and how?


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This is so strange and cute at the same time…


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Uh oh, hopefully its not another demon attack.


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Oh god… not again!


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Nice reaction time!


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Huh, for some reason I thought the demon eating humans would be like animals that could hardly speak but I guess they do behave more human like that I expected, but you know, other than the eating humans part. I wonder if his the one who killed our MC’s family? And turned the demon girl.


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Uh oh… please stay in control over yourself, demon girl, I’m just going to call you that until I remember your name.


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Well yeah, what did you expect? Your sister was stronger too, remember.


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Nice save!


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Aargh its moving without its head, what the hell! Also Nezuko, seriously need to remember that.


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Apparently! How do you kill them then?


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Uh what? Why does he have new arms!


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I guess it makes sense she’s weaker at the moment because she’s new? Or does she need to eat humans to get stronger and its like Tokyo ghoul?


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I would have been irritated about this win so early against demons but they technically still haven’t won yet and this freaky demon also seems like an idiot.


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I like this camera/animation movement!


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If you weren’t the mc I’d be freaking out a little right now but I’m sure you’ll be fine.


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Thats an… interesting mask.


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I want him to do it but at the same time, his thoughts are starting to make me nervous lol.


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Ooh that looks interesting! Is that like a scent or is it like his aura or something?


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Well yes, his sister is a demon, so it makes sense… or haven’t you noticed that yet?


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Ah so he doesn’t do it in the end, I don’t mind, as long as he kills a demon at some point and is able to distinguish between what demon should killed and which demons shouldn’t at some point in this anime then I’m okay with him starting of like this, as long as it doesn’t last the whole anime.


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Oh yeah… didn’t think of that… wow okay, extra careful about sunlight with her then!


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I wonder if his a demon slayer if he is, he might decide your a lost cause because of the not killing demon thing which you’ll seriously have to get over at some point or I’ll start to question why this is called Demon Slayer lol.


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My god how am I going to remember that name! Or spell it, nooo. Worst name I’d had watching for a mc watching a anime I think 😦 Also I bet his not going to want to teach you now!


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I can understand about that demon back there but I think anyones resolve would be weak when it came to killing their sister because their a demon, jeez.


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And slit your own belly and die? Um are these translations right? I’m not sure if that makes sense?


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He’ll probably be alright with the running following him thing, considering he likely used to walk to that town and back a lot.


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Well your sickeningly sweet aren’t you, mmm, bet this demon things hitting you harder then considering your personality.


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I’m very certain that wasn’t the actual test, aargh still can’t think of a nickname for you.


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Thought so, well not the mountain part because bloody hell thats going to be difficult.


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Its kind of weird how he seems totally okay with the fact she’s a demon, the older man, not the mc. Though I’m still waiting on someone to tell me what that scroll is in her mouth and how it works! Didn’t think I’d have to wait this long for that info.


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I’m betting its more difficult than it sounds.


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Ooh, now thats a interesting way to train, ha. It’ll likely help him get better at making quick decisions or better reaction speed anyhow.


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I like this animation/camera movement! Also thats different, so his either mistaking his sense of “smell” for something else as pretty sure you can’t smell movement or in this anime, people have a different kind of…smell? Mmm, getting more interesting.


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I bet he thinks he isn’t going to make it but he surprises him just at the last second, lol.


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Or maybe he’ll do it faster than that or not, not sure how close it is to sunrise but either way I’m impressed.


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Pretty scenic shot and nice ending I guess.


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Or… maybe not, was this part of the ending that I don’t remember last time or…?


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Ah okay, it is, never mind ha, well definitely better than episode one. I am definitely more interested now though not as interested as most anime I have started but as long as like episode two, every episode improves and is even better than the last one, then I definitely want to see the next episode soon.

For early released review/commentaries check out my Patreon!

(Making it easier to navigate, click below if you want to jump to other episodes quickly!)

S1E1 (More will be added on slowly)

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